The Annual Cimarron City-Wide garage sale will be on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 beginning at 8:00 am. Sign up today at the Community Development Office to have your address & items for sale listed. Questions? Call (620) 855-2507
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
Cimarron City wide garage sale
Come to the Cimarron Crossing Park on Sunday, July 9th, from 6:00 - 9:00 pm for a tremendously fun time at the Cimarron Celebration!
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
Cimarron Celebration
Pool Season has officially arrived! Follow the Cimarron Municipal Pool Facebook Page to stay updated on information!
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
Pool Information
Aquatic Conditioning
Public Service Recognition Week is May 7th - May 13th. We want to thank our Cimarron City Library staff for their work for our community!
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
public service recognition week
Public Service Recognition Week is May 7th - May 13th. We recognize our Cimarron Golf Club, thank you for making our golf course a place to come golf!
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
public service recognition week
Public Service Recognition Week is May 7th - May 13th. We recognize those who are a part of our Municipal Court system at the City of Cimarron; thank you all!
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
public service recognition week
Public Service Recognition Week is May 7th - May 13th. Today we feature our Public Works Department. Thank you for all your hard work on the water, sewer, and all other duties.
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
public service recognition week
Apply for a summer job (lifeguard, street/park maintenance, umpire/scorekeeper) at the City of Cimarron!! You can find an application online at or visit the city hall office to pick up an application.
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
summer job opportunities
Updates from the Mayor
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
from the mayor
Public Service Recognition Week is May 7th - May 13th. Today we want to recognize our Electric Department and thank them for all they do!
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
public service recognition week
Public Service Recognition Week is May 7th - May 13th. Today we want to say thank you to the City of Cimarron office staff.
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
public service recognition week
Public Service Recognition Week is May 7th - May 13th. We want to thank our City Council and Mayor for all they do for our community.
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
public service recognition week
REMINDER: Shut off date for utilities is TODAY, MONDAY, May 8th. Please place your past due amount in the drop box, come into the office, or pay online by 10:00 am to avoid disconnected services. You can pay online at or on your FrontDesk account.
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
past due water trash light
REMINDER: Shut off date for utilities is TOMORROW, MONDAY, May 8th. Please place your past due amount in the drop box, come into the office, or pay online by 10:00 am to avoid disconnected services. You can pay online at or on your FrontDesk account.
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
past due water trash light
FrontDesk Assistance Day is TODAY, FRIDAY, MAY 5th, from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at City Hall. Come on down for us to help your account set up for ACH and/or E-Bill! If you cannot make it, come anytime to City Hall, and we are also scheduling future dates to help!
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
front desk assistance day
FrontDesk Assistance Day is TOMORROW, FRIDAY, MAY 5th, from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm at City Hall. Come on down for us to help your account set up for ACH and/or E-Bill! If you are unable to make it, come anytime to City Hall, and we are scheduling future dates as well!
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
front desk assistance day
Are you currently an ACH and/or E-Bill customer? Have you signed up for FrontDesk or completed a form with us to activate your account to keep these services? Did you know the current ACH and/or E-Bill will no longer be active on July 1st, 2023, without a FrontDesk login or us activating you with permission? Please sign up today or come to City Hall for us to assist you!
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
front desk
May Community Calendar
over 1 year ago, Cimarron Community Development
may community calendar
City Council Meeting is this upcoming Monday, May 1st, 2023, at 6:30 pm at City Hall.
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
Apply for a summer job (lifeguard, street/park maintenance, umpire/scorekeeper) at the City of Cimarron!! You can find an application online at or visit the city hall office to pick up an application.
over 1 year ago, City of Cimarron
summer job opportunities