City Departments

City Administrator

Mark Pingsterhaus

City Clerk

Amber Fuller

Electric Department

Shannon Hoskinson

Public Works

Lance Lacy

Golf Course

Jake Payne

Volunteer Fire Department

Alex Hibbert

Recreation Director

Pool Manager

Library Director

Ash Wines

Building permits
Building permits are required for all new construction, including portable sheds and carports, areas of pavement and fences.  Permits are not required for maintenance or replacement of the same dimension.  Forms are available at City Hall or Building Permit-Zoning Information.

Before you dig, please contact Kansas One Call by dialing 811 or go to their website: Kansas One Call.

Trash service is contracted by the city through Gray County Disposal Service (620-846-2148) and billed with city utilities. Trash pickup is provided on Tuesday morning east of Main Street and on Friday morning west of Main Street

Hazardous Waste should be taken to Gray County Public Works at 915 North Main in Cimarron. This includes used oil, paint cans, chemicals, batteries, etc.

Compost Site is located 1/2 mile south and 1/2 mile east of the Main Street stop light.  The public is encouraged to bring grass, leaves and tree branches to the compost site.  Leaves and grass are placed in wind rows, watered and turned periodically to create compost. Tree limbs are chipped into wood mulch.

Finished compost and wood chips can be picked up for public use.