Memos from the Mayor
There are so many things going on as summer comes to an end. Keeping up with the rare summer rains has been as challenging for the city staff as it has been for you. The park is looking very nice and they have been able to keep the grass trimmed. Drive or walk through and enjoy the shade from the trees which were recently trimmed. There is one more baseball tournament scheduled depending on the interest and the weather conditions. Check out the Facebook Cimarron Community Development site to keep informed. Thanks to the park staff for their hard work
The rainy summer has caused a problem that has not been present since our drought these last few years. Mosquitos populations have exploded and the city crew has spent many late nights spraying. City Manager Acton said they have used more spray this year than the last three years combined! Guess we will have to renew our bug spray supply until we get a freeze. Appreciation to those employees who are out there in the dark spraying for those biting bugs.
I want to thank the citizens of Cimarron for their efforts in keeping their yards, alleys and gutters mowed and trimmed. It has been a good year to save on our water bills, but the mowing has made up for any cost savings and effort. Reminders are being sent to those who have yards that might be harboring pests or have unsanitary conditions. The city looks great though, and it takes us all to make that happen.
School will be starting soon. Although mornings are hectic and we are all busy trying to get to work or school, please be aware of the school speed limits and one way streets. The sheriff’s department will be out patrolling and keeping an eye out to ensure the children will be safe. You can help by following the rules. Thanks.
As always is the case, there are some projects coming up. The long awaited streetscape for Main Street south of the tracks may soon be a reality. The bid letting is schedule for October. This project started several years ago, but due to State funding processes (and likely COVID) has been pushed forward several times. We hope that following the awarding of the bids, the project will get on the calendar and completed for the businesses down south. This will replace the two blocks from the railroad to the street south of the Courthouse.
The other project, the rest of Main Street paving, is scheduled for the last week in September. It will be an inconvenience to travel, but the first two phases that were completed earlier this year are so nice, it will be worth it. We hope the weather and the construction crew can cooperated and it will be done before it gets too cold to complete.
Speaking of crews. The City has been challenged with having less than the needed numbers of employees. The outside crew is down 3 people and there is a vacancy for an assistant city administrator that has been open for several months. If you are interested or know of someone who needs a good job with great benefits, please stop by or call for more information. Please thank the employees who continue to cover for the lack of a full crew and let them know they are doing a good job.
Trash is becoming increasing problem in Cimarron. We have a good recycling area south of town for organic recyclables such as grass clipping and tree limbs. There are a lot of people who make the trip out to the site with their yard recycling, and we thank them so much. This is NOT however for trash. It costs the city a lot of tax dollars to keep the site clean and safe for those using it properly. In addition, there is a free landfill south of Ingalls that can be used for trash, appliances, and other non‐household trash. We appreciate your efforts in this. The Council has been discussing the problem and looking for solutions to make this area clean and safe.
Love Where You Live is the motto of Cimarron and you can make sure you stay up to date using Facebook and “liking” the Cimarron Community Development page. Erin has been working hard to make sure that we all are aware of the businesses in the area which we should support. In addition, there are lots of fun activities, many free, happening that keep people connected. She has many plans for the future including some fun holiday activities. Please stay in touch.
A big thanks to Sara McFarland at the Cimarron City Library and Lynne Hewes for the research and writing that relates the history of some of the older buildings in town. Erin has published some QR codes that can be accessed, giving you a guided walking tour of Cimarron as you visit the buildings that were around when the Old West became more civilized. The stories are amazing, and they bring life to the structures that we wish could tell even more stories. Cimarron’s history is marvelous and so key to the expansion of the United States.
The City Council and I want to wish you the best as we move into the Autumn and Holiday Season of the year. Stay safe and stay involved.
Gilbert Benton, Cimarron City Mayor