Lead Service Line Inventory
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) to significantly reduce exposure to lead through drinking water. The proposed LCRI strengthens key elements of the rule in three main focus areas:
Identifying and replacing lead service lines
Reducing complexity and improving public health protection
Increasing transparency and informing the public
What does this mean for the residents of Cimarron, Kansas?
In order for the EPA to identify lead service lines, all public water supply systems must conduct a Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) and submit the findings by October 16, 2024. The City of Cimarron has developed an online survey for residents to complete at their earliest convenience that meets the EPA's guidelines. Please allow approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey.
Are you a business owner or landlord with multiple properties within Cimarron?
In the event you have multiple properties to report for the LCRI, feel free to use the spreadsheet below to list all properties in one place. Completed spreadsheets can be emailed to eburns@cimarronks.org or returned to City Hall.
Still have questions about the Lead Service Line Inventory? Below are some helpful resources that can provide answers and guidance as you conduct an inventory of your business or residence.
What makes up a service line?
How do you know what's in your home?
Dull silver-gray color
Strong magnet will cling to pipe
Is NOT easily scratched with a coin
Pipe will have threads at connections
Dull silver-gray color
Strong magnet will NOT cling to pipe
Is easily scratched with a coin
Softer than steel or copper
Can have bulbs or slight bends
Pipe will not have threads
Color of a penny
Strong magnet will NOT cling to pipe
White, gray, yellow or off-white
"PVC" or "CPVC" printed on pipe
Plastic feel
Typically black in color
"HDPE" printed on pipe
Plastic feel
Blue, red, white, gray or clear
"PEXa" "PEXb" "PEXc" or "PEX"
Flexible, able to bend
Why is the EPA inventorying lead pipes?
Lead can cause serious health problems if too much enters your body from drinking water or other sources. It can cause damage to the brain and kidneys and can interfere with the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of your body. The greatest risk of lead exposure is to infants, young children, and pregnant women. Scientists have linked the effects of lead on the brain with lowered IQ in children. Adults with kidney problems and high blood pressure can be affected by low levels of lead more than healthy adults. Lead is stored in the bones, and it can be released later in life. During pregnancy, the child receives lead from the mother’s bones, which may affect brain development.
To learn more, click the following links:
Kansas Department of Health and Environment Lead Health Risk Presentation
Ready to complete the survey?
Still have questions? Feel free to contact the City of Cimarron Water Department at (620) 855-2215.