
Cimarron Incentives

RURAL OPPORTUNITY ZONE (ROZ) is the latest economic development incentive to draw people to work and live in Kansas. Effective July 1, 2011, the program allows individuals who have not resided in Kansas in the past five years to qualify for a state income tax rebatement for the following five years IF moving into a Rural Opportunity Zone county. Gray County is a ROZ. The program has another facet that involves repayment of student loans for post-secondary graduates for up to $15,000 over 5 years ONLY WHILE student is residing in a ROZ.  In-state and out-of-state students may qualify but only graduates from accredited schools. Application is made directly to the State of Kansas.

NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION PROGRAM. Property within the Cimarron City limits may be eligible to receive a Property Tax Rebate on the increase in taxes on new construction or property improvements for residential and commercial. 2015 NRP. For more information, contact City Hall at 620-855-2215.

For more information and guidelines, please contact City Hall at 620-855-2507.